

Another common suggestion was for Bryn Mawr to hold discussions for students about multiracial identity. These could be campus wide discussions or forums to include the entire student body.  Q Forums are held in every dorm per year and these forums aim to generate conversation on queerness and bring awareness to the LGBTQIA+ community. Similar forums could be held on race and even more specifically multiracial students. These would allow students to express themselves by sharing their story, as well as educate others. Relevant movie screenings were also suggested.


A common issue among people who identify as multiracial is that they feel the pressure to "choose a race." Many are asked or forced to identify with one of their races, which is a very uncomfortable position because by doing so one is then denying a piece of themselves. By administration acknowledging that a student does not have to choose one race could certainly improve the experience of multiracial students on campus.


It has been suggested by many students of color to hold a conversation on the topic of race during customs week so that incoming students can be well acclimated into the Bryn Mawr commuity. One of these conversations could be on multiracial students. Other participant suggestions included having a multiracial affinity group on campus, which is currently being worked on. There was a multiracial affinity group in the past, which was title Half and Half.